Email Marketing

The Ultimate TrafficWave Team Build

The Time Has Come For The Ultimate TrafficWave Team Build Are you ready to work with a team that gets things done and enjoys the results of working together?

3 Makes You Free

Did you know 3 makes you free? This article is designed to show you how simple and easy it can be to make your  TrafficWave account free.

Create a 5 Figure Income as a TrafficWave Affiliate

I’m often asked if it’s really possible to create a figure income as a TrafficWave Affiliate. The answer is, “Absolutely. Yes.” But there are some basic fundamentals at work that you need to understand and apply in order to reach this goal.

TrafficWave Compensation Plan

TrafficWave Compensation Plan TrafficWave is an email marketing platform that offers a compensation plan based on a 3×10 matrix structure. Here’s how it works: Matrix Structure: The “3×10” matrix means that each member has a matrix with three positions on their first level (width) and a maximum of ten levels deep (depth). This structure forms an organization where each level can have up to three members directly under it.Read more

Free TrafficWave Promotion In Less Than 5 Minutes

Free TrafficWave Promotion In Less Than 5 Minutes? Watch as CEO Brian Rooney walks you through his process of getting free TrafficWave promotion on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. 

Start a Home Based Business Online with TrafficWave

Start a Home Based Business Online with TrafficWave Have you been wondering if you can start a home based business online with TrafficWave? In today’s digital age, starting a home-based business has never been easier. The internet offers a vast array of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs to create successful ventures right from the comfort of their homes. Our platform here at makes it easy to start and manageRead more

Making Money At Home

Making Money At Home Most people would love to be making money at home. Whether they want to pay down their bills, save up some money, or achieve goals like buying a house or new car, the idea of making money at home could be a great way to achieve these goals. A lot of folks might consider taking on a part-time job. The challenge is, this can meanRead more

Keys To Affiliate Marketing Success

Keys To Affiliate Marketing Success Looking keys to affiliate marketing success? A while back, I posted an article titled: How to Recruit More and Retain Better Customers and Distributors to help our Affiliates better understand the value proposition of and how to build a solid income with our system and experience affiliate marketing success.. When you can show a business how to solve their biggest problem (getting more customers) forRead more

My Sponsor Quit What Do I Do Now?

My Sponsor Quit What Do I Do Now? Sadly, this question gets asked by far too many people in our industry. We joined the business because we believed that our sponsor was going to be there for us and help us succeed. And then … they quit.

Worst TrafficWave Sponsor

Do you have the worst TrafficWave sponsor? I’ve heard from a few folks that tell me they do. Sometimes, their complaints are legitimate. Their sponsor never contacts them. Their sponsor never attends any training or provides any training. 

How To Be the Best Sponsor

This article is for all of our Affiliates who are looking to create financial freedom through TrafficWave’s Affiliate Marketing plan.

How To Get TrafficWave Free

How To Get TrafficWave Free We’ve had a few folks ask how to get TrafficWave Free of charge and I am more than happy to show you exactly how you can make that happen. It’s really pretty simple. For a detailed overview of our compensation plan to see how you can earn significant income, click here. This article is going to focus on showing you exactly how you canRead more

Success As a TrafficWave Affiliate

Success as a TrafficWave Affiliate really comes down to being in action and staying consistent. What do I mean? Let’s look at the two parts and really dig in to how this works.

Success In Affiliate Marketing

Success In Affiliate Marketing What does it really take to achieve success in affiliate marketing? The answer may surprise you. It really is pretty simple stuff. You don’t have to create products, design systems, build infrastructure, etc… You can really just “plug in” to the work someone else has already done to make all of that ready for you. There are countless stories of people experiencing incredible levels ofRead more

How to Recruit More and Retain Better Customers and Distributors

This article is going to spend a little bit of time showing our Affiliates how to recruit more and retain better customers and distributors. When you get that done, your business grows.